Sunday, April 8, 2012

Easter Weekend

So we decided to spend the Saturday before Easter in St Louis with Kent's dad's side of the family at the zoo. We hadn't been to the zoo since I was pregnant with Haley (so Alex certainly didn't remember it - he was 2 1/2 then!).

The kids did great and we all had an awesome time. Kent's dad and step-mom, his brother Cory and his girlfriend, and Kent's step-sister Kelly and her family all joined us. It was very crowded - about 72 degrees, perfect weather! We took the wagon instead of a stroller and I'm glad we did. The wagon was perfect for the kids to hop in and out looking at animals, and gave them plenty of room to munch on snacks, drink juice boxes etc.

Just arrived! Getting ready to look at the animals!

Looking at some animals with daddy and Michelle

Waiting in line for the penguin house! Uncle Cory's favorite (and one of Mommy's!)

I had a lot of fun trying to catch a picture of a hippo underwater with Haley in the foreground. I always forget how big the hippos are - they are massive!

This picture does not give justice to the actual size of that hippo.

Waiting in line to ride the train!

Alex patiently waited all day for a train ride.

Less than 5 minutes after leaving zoo. Princess was worn out! Her favorite part was seeing the "elfedents" (elephants)

Alex was tired, but not so tired that he fell asleep on the way to get dinner

We spent the day before Easter in St Louis because we were going to spend Easter Sunday having my mom's side of the family over for dinner. But first we went to church for an Easter egg hunt!

Looking for eggs with the cousins on the hill behind Grandma's house

We tried this last year and the kids were everywhere. They are FINALLY getting old enough to at least sit in one spot for 5 seconds. Next year we'll work on posing and smiling at the same time! All the cousins - Alex, Haley, Lauren, Olivia, Mallori and Levi

What's more fun than cousins in a bale of hay? Tera, Sami & Me!

Despite the fact that she was sitting in an ant hill, Haley really loved sitting in the hay bale too.

Alex, Lauren (front) and Mallori and Haley (back) going for a ride on the gator. 

I often look at friends that live elsewhere - in warmer climates and more exotic places and think it would be so beautiful to live somewhere else. But you can't get this - family - elsewhere. I'm so thankful my kids will grow up with lots of cousins to play with.

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