Monday, April 16, 2012

April Showers!

We definitely experienced some much-needed April showers this week!

Other than Alex having T-Ball practice mid-week, it was pretty uneventful...or typical. Lots going on, just nothing out of the ordinary. I will try to remember to bring my camera to t-ball this week so I can include some great pictures!

I got a couple of great ones of Alex & Haley in Haley's crib. He LOVES being the first to go in her room in the mornings. I have to open the door (protector on the knob to keep him from going in and disturbing her while she sleeps) and quickly move before she sees me. Once she sees mom she wants OUT of the crib and that just ruins Alex's special time with her. After hearing them giggle for a while, and Alex come to my room to request "goldfish (crackers) and a pillow" I went down and took a couple of pictures of them. 

It rained all morning/early afternoon on Saturday. The sun came out in the afternoon and it warmed up enough I let the kids play outside in the puddles. After running and splashing they decided they were done, so I brought them in, cleaned them up and put dry clothes on them. 10 minutes later they were back in the puddles. :-)  This time they took some of their toy boats they play with in the bathtub out to sail!

There are few things that make my heart melt as much as seeing my 
two babies playing and giggling together. They loved that puddle!

So in other news, Kent hauled his first load of scrap this year. He helped the neighbors clean out their shed in exchange for everything metal in it. After he loaded everything up he brought the trailer over to our house so he could leave early Saturday morning (this was the week before, prior to zoo trip....just now remembering to tell you about it). Mom and I were outside and inspected and then stole of some of his scrap! :-)

A big cauldron, a tin cauldron, and a tin watering can. All will be scrubbed and repainted and used for flowers!

An iron stand. Not sure exactly what I'll put in it, but it's cool looking! Also needs repainted.

With spring coming its getting easier to find fresh veggies again. I scored some corn on the cob at the grocery store. Alex loves corn on the cob, as do Kent  & I. Last year Haley had to settle for corn OFF the cob. I cut hers up at first, but when she saw the rest of us eating it she threw a fit and wanted her own cob. She ended up eating TWO entire ears, plus nibbled some of Alex's kernels he left on his when he was done!! 

Just had to include a picture of my monstrous egg. Makes me hurt just thinking about it!

The carton wouldn't shut!!! Will have to use it for something special. And big. I love my chickens!

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