Saturday, November 10, 2012

Doomsday preppers..

Kent & I were flipping channels & stumbled upon 'Doomsday Preppers'. I'd seen it advertised, but never watched it (and admittedly, only made it through about half the show tonight). The thing I don't get - these people are wanting to be 'prepared' for some sort of disaster - the people featured tonight wanted to be prepared for an attack on our electrical infrastructure that would essentially shut down the US grid, resulting in chaos. So they dug a "foxhole" (their term) under their garage and had enough food stockpiles for 6 weeks, as well as other things (food, fuel, toilet paper) etc that could be bartered.

Well, yeah...that'd fine and dandy and all - but what do you do after 6 weeks? We changed the channel, but it appeared like the next segment was going to talk about how they escape on a finding that realistic.

Here's what I don't get - why do people feel the need to be prepared by buying and saving things as their only source of preparedness? This show said the guy spent $70,000 on his setup..Ok fine - if you're going to spend that kind of money, why not buy a few acres of land in the country and learn the skills you need to be self-sufficient - grow/raise/preserve your own food?

It baffles me how few skills people seem to have anymore. I've become more aware of this over the last several years as I have a pretty handy husband who has helped friends out doing various things....not to mention all the stuff he does for me. He replace a faulty light switch in our bedroom....took out ceiling lights and installed ceiling fans. He can fix our cars (most of the time). Today he & dad replaced the phone/DSL lines running into the house so we could move our wireless router inside.

I'm not faulting those who don't know how to do those things - because odds are it's because they've never been taught. But it baffles me at how many people have NO INTEREST in learning to do things themselves, and would rather pay someone else to do them.

Again, not making judgements....just baffled at the priorities of modern-day society.