Sunday, February 26, 2012

Spring is coming!

It was cold yesterday, but today it was almost 60 out! Dreadfully windy but it is Illinois. One of the good things about having the privacy fence - we can still play in the backyard without being pestered by the wind too much.

February is over and we're getting ready to move on to March and...SPRING! I'm so ready for sunshine, summer, warm weather, fresh veggies, the farmer's market, swimming and playing outside.

Last week Kent's mom & step-dad came to visit for a long weekend. They took advantage of the Direct Air flights from Lakeland to Springfield and came in on Friday night and stayed until Monday. On Saturday night we went to Osaka with several of their friends, and afterwards they took the kids home so Kent & I went and wandered around Scheel's for about an hour, just enjoying some time together.

Not a whole lot out of the ordinary happened over the last week - and not much really expected this week. Haley is beginning to put words together into short sentences. She'll say "bye bye cat" or "bye bye _____" (whatever she's talking to). She'll say I want (juice/milk/cheese stick etc). She's still addicted to cheese.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Teaching little sister

Alex decided to build a tower out of the wooden blocks this evening - he did it in the kitchen while I was fixing supper since they balanced better on the hard floor. He left the room and Haley walked in....upon seeing a tower that was at least 10 blocks tall, what do you think she did? Of course, she knocked it down! Exactly what every 19 month old would do. Then she started playing with the blocks. Alex walked in and saw the mess and was ready to flip out so I told him that I was so sorry, Mommy accidentally knocked over his tower (he was calling it a castle - but it was just a tower). I told him Haley was trying to fix it for him. After apologizing a few more times and getting a quick lecture from the 4 year old as to why I wasn't supposed to knock it down, he sat down and started teaching her how to build a tower. She could stack 3 blocks but after that would usually knock it down. I grabbed my camera and got some pictures of them. It was so cute.

My favorite thing about having two children is watching them interact and love each other. As much as they drive each other crazy and fight - my kids definitely have a bond and love each other.